McDougal-Littell 2006 Textbooks
McDougal Littell 2006 offers a range of components: 1) online, 2) physical, and 3) other components with animated problems and games (with levels).
McDougal Activity Generator offers another component that allows teachers to access resources online through an access code. This includes a game and/or activity for every lesson in the book.
Simultaneously, activities and games are leveled as easy, medium and challenging. Moreover, these activities can be customized to further meet learner needs.
Student-friendly components are designed expressly to meet with district expectations for rigor and engagement.
Key Concept Boxes reinforce the concept in pictures, words, and numbers/symbolic form.
To align with Marzano's Instructional Strategies, McDougal-Littell also offers a notetaking guide. The Guide is designed to help students (and adults) listen, process and take notes all at the same time. It gives highlighted sections of the lesson and allows student to fill in info and provide a scaffold at the same time.
The Best Practices Toolkit offers content-area and pedagogical for new teachers. It also contains supports for days when associate teachers are on call. It also offers letters to Parents, in alignment with NCLB requirements.
It also has sections that speak: 1) pre-AP, 2) inclusion and 3) ESL.
Textbooks contain error analysis, spiraled TEKS plus mixed review: Before, Now and Why?
Algebra text offers all 4 levels to incorporate all other middle school grade levels.